Indiana County
Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance (SALDO)
A Subdivision And Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) is a tool used by local and County governments to regulate land development. This SALDO will replace the County's Subdivision Ordinance that was adopted in 1962 and amended, most recently in 1990. The guiding principle of our SALDO is to promote, encourage, and ensure responsible development rather than to restrict development.
Click on the image above to view or
download the SALDO
What happens when you submit an application for Subdivision?
Click on the image above to learn the 4-step process a
Class I - IV Subdivision application moves through.
Click on the image above to view full brochure
If you have any questions or comments regarding the SALDO, please contact Josh Krug, AICP at
(724) 465-3877 or email: comments@ceo.co.indiana.pa.us
November 2021
Public Meetings to Discuss County SALDO Project
SALDO Hearings Affecting 32 Municipalities Are On Tap
-Indiana Gazette article
published 11/16/21
Class I - Change in a boundary of a
deeded property or any other description
except for transfer of a deed from one
ownership to another
Class II - All changes to a deeded
property ordered by a Court of Law
Class III - Change resulting in the division
of a deeded property into two or three
deeded properties
Class IV - Change resulting in the
division of a deeded property into four or
more deeded properties and any division
requiring public money for improvement
or requiring public approval
Class V - Any change in the use of a deeded property in whole or in part NOT involving a building or structure.
Class VI - Any change in the use of a deeded property in whole or in part that involves a building or structure
The Indiana County Board of Commissioners adopted the Indiana County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (No. 2023-0412) on April 12, 2023.
This ordinance will replace the Indiana County Subdivision
Ordinance, last amended in 1991. The adopted
Ordinance is available above, and will be available in hard
copy form at the County Law Library, the Indiana County Office
of Planning & Development, the office of the Indiana County
Commissioners, and all public libraries throughout the County.
Projects requiring Land Development approval will be required
to receive such approval prior to being issued any building
occupancy permits from that date forward.
Printed copies are available at the Indiana County Office of
Planning & Development at a cost of $5.00.
Enforcement of this ordinance will begin on August 10, 2023.
Subdivision Administration
The Indiana County Office of Planning and Development is responsible for the
administration and enforcement of the Indiana County Subdivision Ordinance
and the Indiana County Special Recreation and Conservation Ordinance. The
following will detail the purpose, jurisdiction, procedures, and regulations for
each Ordinance.
Indiana County Subdivision Ordinance
The purpose of the Indiana County Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance
is to ensure new building sites are suitable for construction through requiring
compliance with accepted design standards, proper access to a public street,
sewage approvals, and a property survey. These regulations control the
subdivision of land in all townships and boroughs except White Township, East
Wheatfield Township, Indiana Borough, Blairsville Borough, Burrell Township,
and Homer City Borough.
All proposed land subdivisions must be coordinated with any other appropriate
regulatory agency or provider (local Township or Borough, Sewage Enforcement
Agency, PennDOT, utilities, public water and sewage providers, etc) to discuss
their regulations which may require adjustments to the subdivision design.
Survey drawings prepared by a registered surveyor in accordance with the plan
requirements, proof of access to a public street, proof of sewage approval, and
the guaranteed installation of all public improvements are required as part of
the review and approval process.
The following is how Indiana County defines subdivision applications.
Single Lot Subdivision
A Single-Lot Subdivision can be a building or non-building subdivision.
A building subdivision consists of the first and second building lots subdivided from an original tract of land as described in the deed of record on November 7, 1962 (effective date of the subdivision regulations).
Proposed lot(s) must have direct frontage on an existing public street or approved private drive street, have access to an existing public sewer system or have approval to use an on-lot septic system, and shall not include proposals for any public improvements, (new road construction, extensions or public water or sewer services, etc.).
A non-building subdivision is a subdivision of land proposed to be conveyed as an addition to an adjacent building lot or to be established as an independent lot upon which no sewage disposal system may be placed.
Minor Subdivision
A Minor-Lot Subdivision is a subdivision
that contains three to ten lots all of
which have direct and sufficient
frontage on an existing public street,
and no new construction or extension
of public sewer and/or water lines are
required to serve any or all of the lots.
Major Subdivision
A Major-Lot Subdivision is a subdivision that contains more than ten lots.
Subdivision Definitions
* Pay your application fees online *
Online payments are now available through MuniciPay!
Please note:
MuniciPay will add a convenience fee of $3.00 to each transaction.
For charges over $114.00, a convenience fee of 2.65% will be added
You may also pay by check or cash to avoid any additional fees.
*Convenience Fees are paid directly to MuniciPay and are not associated with
County fee schedules
Are you Subdividing
your parcel?
We've created this
handy guide to help
you through the
Inside, you'll find
helpful information
that will answer common questions, and point you in
the right direction.
Still have questions?
Please contact
Josh Krug, AICP -
Deputy Director, Planning
(724) 465-3877
Phone: (724) 465-3870
Fax 1: (724) 465-3150
Fax 2: (724) 465-3151
801 Water St.
Indiana, PA 15701-1705
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday EST