Uniform Construction Code Building Permits

Residential Permit Application Packets

Commercial Permit Application Packets

The following are applications for the Uniform Construction Code. Each category below has a list of applications that are linked to an electronic form. These forms can be digitally completed or printed for written completion.

All applications must be submitted by mail or in-person at the Office of Planning & Development with the application fee and drawings.


If you are unsure of the application needed for your project, please contact the Office of Planning & Development for assistance.


For the following municipalities, complete appropriate application below. Otherwise, please contact your local municipality for their application process.


For Commercial projects, please contact Josh Krug, AICP prior to submitting your building permit application to determine if a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance review is required.

Homeowners and Businesses performing their own construction work, and contractors who do not have Worker's Compensation Insurance:

Pennsylvania requires this notarized form for your building permit application. Click the link below to download it, fill it in, and then get it signed by a Notary Public.

Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage Form

* Used Manufactured Home applications require a completed Habitability Guidelines Checklist along

with a completed permit application.

Armagh Borough

Blairsville Borough

Cherry Tree Borough

Clymer Borough

Creekside Borough

Ernest Borough

Glen Campbell Borough

Homer City Borough

Marion Center Borough

Plumville Borough

Saltsburg Borough

Shelocta Borough

Smicksburg Borough

Banks Township

Blacklick Township

Center Township

Cherryhill Township

Conemaugh Township

East Mahoning Township

Grant Township

Montgomery Township

North Mahoning Township

Pine Township

South Mahoning Township

Washington Township

West Mahoning Township

West Wheatfield Township

Young Township

A new Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) was adopted by Indiana County in August 2023.

If you're planning a commercial or agricultural building project, it's important to know if a SALDO review is required.

Contact Josh Krug, AICP - Deputy Director, Planning Section (724-465-3877 or jkrug@ceo.co.indiana.pa.us) to find out.

Phone:  (724) 465-3870

Fax 1:  (724) 465-3150

Fax 2:  (724) 465-3151


801 Water St.

Indiana, PA 15701-1705

Office Hours:

 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday - Friday EST